Just like all the other tools in a business owner’s marketing arsenal, the website as well needs updates and maintenance regularly. When there’s work in progress in the back end, visitors to a website in the front end may be misled. This will severely impact the visitor’s experience on the website negatively. Business owners can avoid such a damaging situation by putting the site in maintenance mode while the updates are being made.
Doing so limits the access front-end visitors have to ...
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Just like all the other tools in a business owner’s marketing arsenal, the website as well needs updates and maintenance regularly. When there’s work in progress in the back end, visitors to a website in the front end may be misled. This will severely impact the visitor’s experience on the website negatively. Business owners can avoid such a damaging situation by putting the site in maintenance mode while the updates are being made.
Doing so limits the access front-end visitors have to a website and a maintenance mode page shows them what’s happening and what they can still do on the site. It helps set expectations and ensures that visitors to the site don’t end up getting harassed without the site being taken offline altogether. Setting a WordPress site on the maintenance mode means that only administrators or people granted access can view the site. Other users only see a “coming soon” page carrying additional details.
One can simply rely on the built-in feature which helps enable the maintenance mode automatically when work on the website is in progress. It’s disabled as soon as the work is done. This is a simple method, but the options are limited. This feature can be used only when plugins and themes are being updated and there’s no option to customize the message that’s displayed for front-end users. Again, custom code can be added to the functions,.php file or the .htaccess file on the server can be edited—both very difficult options for beginners.
This is what makes the use of WordPress plugins the most popular method to enable a WordPress website’s maintenance mode. With these plugins, it’s possible to customize the maintenance mode page without having to do any coding. The WordPress plugins help put up displays that act as barriers between visitors to a site and the work to develop it going on in the background. Some of them even capture visitor information so they can be reached through social media. These plugins, therefore, alert visitors that the site will be back after maintenance.
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