Mailvita Entourage to PST Converter for Mac
Mailvita Mac Entourage to PST Converter to convert Entourage files to Outlook on the Mac system.
Mailvita Entourage to PST Converter for Mac helps in converting Entourage files to Outlook on Mac, have a look at Mac Entourage to PST Converter which is designed with smart functions to easily convert bulk emails from Entourage to Outlook PST file format. Having a simplified interface, understanding the steps of conversion with this application becomes so easy for any user. Only a few steps of easy conversion from Entourage to Outlook PST are performed on Mac by the software.
Mailvita Entourage to PST Converter for Mac does not create any trouble in converting any large-size Entourage file. All email properties and formatting like to, cc, bcc, from, date, time, hyperlinks, etc. are well preserved during the conversion. Moreover, no harm to a single file is there with this smart application. A free edition of the utility is available to test it before you apply for the licensed edition. A single, as well as multiple PST files, are created to save Entourage files and you can easily choose any location of your system to save the resultant PST file. It supports all Mac versions without any problem.
1 review for Mailvita Entourage to PST Converter for Mac
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Original price was: $99.00.$48.80Current price is: $48.80.
koeluxeer –
I am extremely satisfied with the results. This software made the entire process incredibly simple and seamless. The interface is clean and easy to navigate, even for someone who’s not super tech-savvy. What I appreciated the most was the software’s ability to handle large mailboxes.