Crazy Egg
Using a heatmap, Crazy Egg enables you to see who is visiting your website. By graphically portraying user clicks, which are the most reliable indicators of visitor motivation and desire, a heatmap makes it simple to comprehend what visitors want, care about, and do on your website. It is launched by Neil Patel in 2006 and has its headquarters in La Mirada, CA.
An online application called Crazy Egg keeps track of specific pages from your website and provides you with a breakdown of where various users have clicked and where on the screen. Additionally, more fundamental analytics information is available on the most popular pages visited and the source of visitors utilizing various visual displays.
You simply need to add a short amount of code to the HTML of the page you want it to watch, then unwind. The website takes care of everything from that point on, giving you real-time results while monitoring your progress and each click on the selected pages.
- It has an easy-to-use UI and is very straightforward to install.
- You can set up Crazy Egg to monitor as many pages of your website as you like in just three simple steps.
- Crazy Egg is a web analytics tool that tracks user click patterns on websites. It produces informational visuals that display how well-liked or poorly-liked specific page parts are.
- You can export a report of your results using Crazy Egg, which is useful for sharing and bringing to meetings.
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