Audio and Video
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Websites are far more interactive and engaging these days and a major reason behind that is the inclusion of videos for entertainment and sharing information. Many websites also feature podcasts and music. It’s only after the entertainment with the videos and the audio that the products are pitched and the results are often excellent. There are entire business models built around featuring video and audio infotainment on websites.
What does the emergence of audio and videos on websites hold for WordPress-based businesses, or in other words, businesses that rely heavily on online traffic to their website? It means that these businesses are armed with a potent weapon to capture visitors’ attention. After the videos and the audio have captured the audience’s attention, showing them what’s being offered becomes that much easier. The videos and audio do the trick in making the audience far more receptive to the message the website carries. The chance of visitors converting into paying customers raises a lot.
WordPress does have built-in features to handle both audio and video files. However, they are very basic. Audio plugins allow the display of popouts, allow downloads, and even allow the selling of tracks. With easy customization options, they offer a smoother approach to integrating audio files into a website. Similarly, when videos are used on a website for marketing or they are the main product, the WordPress plugins come into the picture helping visitors view the videos without any hassles.
Video plugins help optimize the video watching experience greatly. They offer the website owner more control over viewer interactions with the videos. They give the website creator the option to hide playback control and make it possible for the viewer the skip to the desired location on the video by adding timestamps. Video and audio plugins, therefore, greatly enhance the user experience on a website.
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