WordPress Blogging Plugins: Essential Plugins for Blog

Bloggers have work hard to build their reputation and attract a steady flow of traffic to their blogs.

Thus, it’s important that they use smart tools and apps to lessen their workload and instead focus on creating information-rich and creative content.

A quick search for essential WordPress blogging plugins will throw up thousands of results and if you’re new to WordPress then you’re bound to get confused.

WordPress plugins are intended to facilitate a wide range of functions, which would otherwise require substantial efforts from a blog owner.

You’ll never be sure as to which plugins would make your blogging experience less challenging.

Additionally, several over hyped plugins result in wastage of money and time. However, several useful niche-centric are available but not all fall into the category of essential WordPress blogging plugins.

Irrespective of your blogging niche, every WordPress blogger must install some truly essential plugins.

In this post, we shall look at a list of 8 WordPress plugins that will make blogging a breeze for both beginners as well as pro bloggers.

Without further ado, let’s begin:

best wordpress plugins for blogging

#1.Yoast SEO


Blogging is all about reaching out to your target readers – you’ll need to optimize your blog and its content for Google and other search engines. Now, SEO encompasses multiple tasks to perform regularly. Both on-page and off-page SEO activities make up for a major chunk of your daily tasks.

Yoast SEO is the most preferred SEO tool for bloggers and has been installed over 5.3 million times, which is proof of its immense popularity. Yoast SEO can be used to improve the search engine rankings of your blog posts and analyze their readability.

Now, it’s been proven that the majority of the readers simply scan through the blog posts, so if you can enhance the readability, there’s a high probability of holding on to your reader’s attention for a longer period.

Some of the key features of Yoast SEO include:

  • Optimization of page and post using meta descriptions and keywords
  • Analyze optimization level of content
  • Readability check and improvement

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#2. UpdraftPlus


Using WordPress makes bloggers highly vulnerable to frequent hacking attacks as hackers often target it.

Even minor errors can lead to complete website failure, which is certainly not desirable, especially when you’ve managed to gain a steady traffic flow.

Compatibility errors are quite common as any other plugins you might be using on your website receives regular updates, which can lead to compatibility issues.

Thus, backing up your website/blog files might save you from unnecessary hassles. Even when there’s an attack or hacking attempt, you can restore the blog to its last best version by installing the backup.

UpdraftPlus is an effective backup plugin for WordPress that has helped millions of bloggers maintain their blogs without too much effort.

The integrating option with multiple cloud storage makes this plugin extremely efficient and you can schedule your backups as per your convenience.

Some of its key features include:

  • Manual or automatic creation of backups
  • Cloud as well as local storage of backup files
  • Restoration of blog to its previous states

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#3. Optimole


If you use too many images on your blog posts and have also used too many images throughout all the pages then it’s certainly going to slow down the page loading.

Time taken to load a page depends on multiple factors, which also includes images.

Thus, it’s imperative to optimize images for a faster and better loading of all the pages so that your visitors don’t bolt off.

Optimole WP plugin is an immensely effective tool to optimize the images and quicken up the page loading process.

The lackluster performance of your website can be easily overcome when you’ve something as smart as Optimole working in the background.

Every image or graphics you upload on your WordPress blog will be automatically optimized so that they take up lesser space.

Additionally, the cloud-based process will expedite the website loading as the plugin can automatically detect the screen size and resize the images accordingly to deliver responsive and fast loading experience to users.

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Key features of Optimole include the following:

  • Automatic image compression
  • Optimization of PNG and JPEG images
  • Bulk optimization of existing image
  • Resizing of all images uploaded on the blog
  • Supports WebP and Retina images
  • Access to global CDN
  • Perfectly compatible with page builders such as Elementor

 #4. Revive Old Post

tweet-old-post wordpress blogging plugins

You can never afford to take your social media engagement lightly because it has the potential of driving hordes of traffic to your blog posts.

Revive Old Post is an amazing plugin that helps you drive traffic to your website by making leveraging the power of social media.

This plugin helps you automatically share all the old and new posts on your blog on Facebook and Twitter.

Isn’t it cool that you can reach out to so many people without even having to make an effort as small as a click?

Some of the key features of this plugin include:

  • Automatic sharing of new and old posts on Facebook and Twitter
  • Scheduling of social media publications
  • Include hashtags and links to your blog

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#5. WP Rocket

Even though this is the last on our list of essential plugins for WP blogs but it’s one of the most important ones.

WP Rocket is the most powerful caching plugin you’ll find in the market and it speeds up the page loading time.

The plugin creates cached copies of each post on your blog to reduce the load on servers.

Quick page loading time is critical to the success of your blog because you don’t want visitors waiting for minutes for a page to load.

You’ve to give them as lesser reasons as possible to dump your website and go looking for similar content elsewhere. WP Rocket is capable of decreasing page load times by at least 63%.

Some of its key features include:

  • Caching of dynamically created pages
  • Enhancement of end-browser caching
  • Lazy loading feature for quicker loading time
  • Integration with CDN or Content Delivery Network

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